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Oppo Wrist Splint

Oppo Wrist Splint

  • Spoon stay can be removed as your healing progresses
  • Provides compression for weak or overstressed wrists
  • Stay can be relocated to fit either left or right hand
  • Helps prevent or alleviate post-traumatic pain

(inc. 20% VAT)

In stock, quick dispatch  In stock, quick dispatch

Oppo Finger/Thumb Splint

Oppo Finger/Thumb Splint

  • Aluminium splint for use on finger or thumb
  • Holds fingers at an exact degree of flexion or extension
  • Provides firm support and stabilises phalangeal joints in position 
  • For finger fractures, ligament strain, finger deformity, and arthritis

(inc. 20% VAT)

In stock, quick dispatch  In stock, quick dispatch

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